Blog Tour w/ Review: SEVER by Mary Elizabeth
The highly anticipated conclusion to the Closer duet is available now. Want to know my thoughts? Find my review below, as well as all...

Review: HOT MESS by Emily Belden
Hot Mess was my first read by Emily Belden, and it was a fun and entertaining food-fiction novel. I’m very picky when it comes to...

Blog Tour w/ Review: The Birthday List by Devney Perry
Devney Perry's new standalone romance, THE BIRTHDAY LIST, is available now! Grab your copy for $2.99 today, price goes up tomorrow. Read...

Release Blitz w/ Review: Coming Unraveled by Renee Harless
Coming Unraveled by Renee Harless is now LIVE. Check out my review, and all important sales info below. -Colleen Review Coming Unraveled...

'Ugly Cry Book Search' Update: A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole
THE SEARCH FOR UGLY CRY READS: UPDATE #2: Tears Shed: 0 STATUS: STILL MADE OF STONE Overall: Colleen-2 Tears- 0 Book Review This is a...

Review: The Swedish Prince by Karina Halle
Review This is the first book that I read by Karina Halle and it will not be my last. The Swedish Prince is sweet and sexy, funny and...

Release Blitz w/ Review: Our Unscripted Story by L. A. Fiore
Our Unscripted Story is LIVE! Grab yourself a copy and fall in love with Alexis and Greyson's story, just as I did. Find my full review...

New Release w/ Review: What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner
Part two in Kandi Steiner's angsty and emotional duet is now LIVE! What He Always Knew is a 5 star, MUST read! Grab your copy today. Find...

Release Blitz w/ Review: His Brother's Fiancée by Vivian Wood
His Brother's Fiancée is now LIVE! You can find my full review at the bottom, beneath the blitz info. Cheers, Colleen Review His...

Release Blitz w/ Review: Distorted Love by T. L. Smith
I don't even entirely know how I feel right now but, Distorted Love was a fast paced, page-turner for certain. Ryken's family is scum-...