New Release Review: The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher
Scroll through the release packet for The Wrong Family below, and don't forget to check out my review at the bottom!
Happy Reading :)
The Wrong Family was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I love thrillers, and this one was a slow burning, family/domestic drama.
The story is told in three parts, and the second and third were the most captivating for me. I thought these sections were well executed, the character development was well done, and the buildup of suspense was there.
So, while the story had some really great elements- like twists and reveals I didn't see coming- there were also some things that I found held me back from being blown away by it. For instance, the pacing of the first part of the story was almost too slow. It did take a little bit for me to connect initially.
In the end, there was far more that I enjoyed about The Wrong Family, so overall I found it entertaining and engaging- and creepy.
*Complimentary copy for review provided by Harper Collins Canada. All opinions expressed here are honest and entirely my own.