New Release Review: Mistakes We Never Made by Hannah Brown

About the Book
An epic coastal road-trip gives two lifelong rivals a second chance at love in this debut novel from The Bachelorette star and New York Times bestselling author Hannah Brown.
Two former debate team champions who almost fell in love years ago are now stuck together on one wild wedding weekend. When bridesmaid Emma first sees groomsman Finn, she's reminded of all the mistakes she almost made with him—the date, the party, the kiss, that one night on the rooftop in New York. Each ended in heartbreak, and she would have been happy never to see Finn again.
But when the bride runs away, and both Emma and Finn are tasked with bringing her home in time to walk down the aisle, they end up on a whirlwind road trip down memory lane... and might just fall in love along the way.
Perfect for fans of Emily Henry, MISTAKES WE NEVER MADE reminds us it’s never too late to risk falling in love, because being true to your heart is never a mistake.
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Something that stood out to me when reading Mistakes We Never Made, were all the nods to the movie The Hangover... An upcoming wedding, a visit to Vegas, a missing friend, a mention of a pet tiger and a capuchin monkey, and a cool car that the owner is protective of. I think that movie is great, but luckily, that's where the similarities end. Mistakes We Never Made was a fun and sweet, engaging read. I enjoyed the road trip banter and the frenemies-to-lovers aspect.
I did find that I wasn't completely satisfied with the way things were resolved with the missing friend, and there were times when the FMC, Emma, got on my nerves. Her character growth just took a while. Emma's relationship with Finn also covered a few tropes, some I love, one I don't- the miscommunication trope. I found it frustrating to continue to have the characters upset from something that happened so long ago that could have been resolved if they just had a conversation. That aside, I thought Emma and Finn had good chemistry and I rooted for them to figure things out and find their way to be together.
Overall, there was more to this romance that I liked than I didn't, and I enjoyed my time reading it. If you enjoy friends-to-lovers/enemies-to-lovers and second chance romance, give it a shot.

*Complimentary copy for review provided by Forever Romance. All opinions expressed here are honest and entirely my own.
About the Author
Hannah Brown is a television personality, lifestyle expert, podcast host and New York Times bestselling author of God Bless This Mess. After winning Miss Alabama USA in 2018, she went on to star on season 15 of ABC’s hit reality series The Bachelorette, win season 28 of Dancing with the Stars, and compete on FOX’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, where she ended up being one of two women who completed the course and outlasted the other 16 contestants, most of whom were professional athletes.
Brown’s authenticity and charismatic personality have captivated her millions of followers, and she continues to inspire and empower others by instilling beauty goes beyond just what’s on the surface, advocating for mental health awareness, and emphasizing the importance of self-love.
Born and raised in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Brown currently resides in Nashville.