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Review: The Gathering by L. A. Fiore (New Release)

I'm going to be honest and say that I don't really care for the paranormal genre. In fact, I very rarely- if ever- sign up to read and review paranormal work simply because I know my own taste and preferences. That said, I love L.A. Fiore, and when I saw her blurb for The Gathering it really grabbed my attention. So I thought, what the heck, let's give it a shot!

I was pleased to discover that this was not only a paranormal read, but it also had elements of mystery, suspense, and romance. A great combo if you ask me. I was intrigued by the mystery surrounding Ivy Blackwood, and eager to find out how Bain, Josiah, and everyone else fit into her world and her past. Not only did The Gathering capture my attention, it held on to it as the story unraveled.

There were a few times where I had to flip back and see who's perspective I was in, as the story was told from multiple points of view. The multi-and sometimes confusing- POV changes was the only part of my reading journey that affected my overall enjoyment. Going back and forth brings me out of the moment.

The Gathering was a surprising and entertaining story. If you're looking for something to read this Halloween, check it out!

You can find information about the book- including buy links- down below.


**Complimentary copy for review provided by the author. All opinions expressed here are honest, and entirely my own.**

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