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Release Blitz w/ Review: SAVAGE by L. A. Fiore


Dark, beautiful and intense. Savage is the gripping story of two broken characters who slowly make their way from darkness into light.

Lizzie and Brochan both know what it’s like to be lost and unloved. They were no strangers to pain, suffering and belittlement. Each constantly on the receiving end of horrible treatment all at the hands of someone who was meant to love them unconditionally. Their tragic pasts broke my heart. Each horrible moment shared between Brochan and his father, Lizzie and her mother, made me cringe, made me angry, and made me understand the paths that they went down as they each grew to adulthood.

Lizzie and Brochan coming into each others’ lives felt as though it was written in the stars. Like these two were meant to find one another, to heal and to create a new beginning filled with love, light and hope after all that they had endured.

But their path to happiness doesn’t come without a few bumps in the road. I loved how Fiore had the story unfold. There were twists and turns along the way and I was always kept guessing as to what would happen next.

I was captivated by Lizzie and Brochan’s journey. I felt a range of emotions throughout and I did not want to put the book down. If you like romantic suspense, I highly recommend SAVAGE!

-Colleen, The Book Lover Blog

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