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Review: "A Harmless Little Game," by Meli Raine

~*This book contains VERY sensitive subject matter*~

“A Harmless Little Game” is a suspenseful, twisted and emotional story. My heart just broke for our main character, Lindsay. I felt enraged at what she endured at the hands of those three despicable men. Four years prior, she was violated by those she trusted, people who she thought were her friends. As if that isn’t horrific enough, she believed that Drew – her boyfriend at the time- just sat by, watched it happen and did nothing to stop it. Lindsay has spent the last four years in a mental facility (more like prison). She returns home only to discover that everything she thought she knew while she was away, turned out not to be true. Drew has now been hired by her father, as head of security to protect her (keep her in line) and by the end of the book I’m really wanting to trust his character, but I’m still not 100% sure I can. Lindsay’s only been home a few days and her safety is threatened once again. She believes that her attackers –who were never prosecuted- are after her. Lindsay is a strong woman, she is a survivor. She wants answers, she wants justice, and she wants revenge. The story ends with a cliffhanger. You’ll be left with many unanswered questions. I am now anxiously awaiting the second installment; I’m curious to see how this story unfolds. A great start to the series, AHLG is a definite page-turner. If you like a good, suspenseful thriller with a side of romance, then I recommend AHLG. Meli Raine, you’ve got me hooked!

- Colleen

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