Review: "Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method," by Marie Mongan
This book is a good resource for planning a natural birth. I found the relaxation, visualization and breathing techniques as well as the positive affirmations very helpful during my home birth. My labor and delivery experience was in fact, pain free-no this statement is not BS! Do I think that I was not in any pain simply because of this books techniques, no.. but it was definitely helpful. If you can, get a copy with the accompanying guided relaxation CD. My only critique of the book would be that it may make women feel that if they do experience pain during their labor/birthing process that they’ve somehow failed or have done something wrong, which is not the case AT ALL! Every woman has their own experience and in the end, you’ve done an amazing thing no matter how your baby gets here. What matters most is the safe delivery of a beautiful little baby and a happy, comfortable momma!
- Colleen