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Review: Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James

Please remember, this is only my opinion. While I know and appreciate that this book has taken the world by storm, there was just way too much about it that didn't work for me.

I’m definitely no prude; I love a good erotica novel. Give me a well plotted story with a healthy dose of steam any day! For me, Fifty Shades read like a cheap low budget porno film- tons of sex and a weak plot. After Christian and Ana’s first time together, every other page after that seemed to be a sex scene. There were so many, I found myself skipping over some. I suppose it didn't help that for me, the sex scenes weren't very enticing. I was constantly frustrated with Ana and the fact that she couldn't express herself beyond “holy shit” or “holy cow.” I asked myself often, "does she not have any other thoughts?"

Herein lies the main problem- the writing. The plot lacked depth, the dialogue was weak and repetitive, and the characters were underdeveloped- I did not connect and was not a fan of either MC.

Again, I know many people loved this story, and good for E.L. James for taking a chance, following a dream and putting her work out there, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. I'm sorry; I just can't get behind this series.

*Note- I did read all three to give FSoG a chance, but the series as a whole wasn't for me. I found no growth in the author's writing and remained underwhelmed by both MCs.

**I will not write a full review for FSD or FSF

***I won't be reading the spin-off written in Christian's POV

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